1st Sunday Tattooed HeART JAM.

Start: Sept. 5, 2011, 2 a.m.

End: Sept. 5, 2011, 5 a.m.

Event at Tattooed Heart Studios - Maryland

1st Sunday Tattooed HeART JAM is a monthly event held on the 1st Sunday of every month. 7pm til ???

Any tattoo artist, painter, or artist of any kind is welcome, as well as anyone who may be interested in observing art in its creation! We invite artists of any medium or skill level to come and create with us. All of the THS artists will be attending and we will be working on our own personal art projects including paintings, drawings, and coloring Shrinky Dinks.

Please bring your own supplies, canvas, easel, and beverage if you feel so inclined. No need to RSVP just show up, it usually turns out to be a late night so come by when you can make it!