6 Month Anniversary Printable Specials!!

Start: March 2, 2012, 7 p.m.

End: March 16, 2012, 1 a.m.

Event at After Forever Tattoos, Laser Tattoo Removal & Fading

In honor of our awesome facebook members & our 6 month anniversary of business in Strathmore, we invite you to print and use these great specials for the next 2 weeks!!

These specials can be printed and used until March 15th.
(Specials stand on their own, not to be combined with any other promotions)

We have had a great time doing business in Strathmore so far and we look forward to many more years with you!

**Please Note: Because of a facebook system glitch I can't send invites to After Forever's page members. Please invite any of your 'friends' you know are on our page (or other locals).