Allie Oxenblood Tattoo Invasion

Start: Feb. 15, 2016, 6 p.m.

End: Feb. 21, 2016, 2 a.m.

Event at Excelsior Ink Custom Tattoos LLC

My very dear Friend, and fellow Tattoo Artist, Allie Oxenblood will be Joining us from February 15th, to the 20th for a guest spot! In addition to being a Fire Breathing, Tattooed Gypsy, Heavy Metal, Hippy Chick, she's an insanely talented, award winning Tattoo Artist, Hailing from the City of Steel: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She's traveled all over the world tattooing, and has had the opportunity to work with some of the most renowned names in the business.

She has the ability to inject her style into every piece she does, but my personal favorites, of her many attributes, are her Impeccable line work for those rigid blinding sacred geometry and technically challenging stencils, and her use of color in her Water Color and Art Nouveau tattoos. This is a rare opportunity for those of us who lack the opportunity to travel around to get work from high profile artists, so Don't miss out! Book now as openings are Extremely limited.

You can complete an online form from her website or via E-mail:

Even if you're not planning on getting any work done, make sure to follow her Facebook page Allie Oxenblood , and on Instagram @Oxenblood . And of course, share wit your friends, and show her some love! Stay Tuned folks! #Allieoxenblood #Ladytattooers #Steelcitysiren #Excelsiorink