Buy a Tattoo Machine & Help "Peg Leg McGee" get a New Prostetic Leg

Start: May 6, 2011, 5 p.m.

End: Aug. 1, 2011, 6:30 a.m.

Event at Tattoo Machines by "Peg Leg McGee"

Help "Peg Leg" get the money together to buy a much needed new prosthetic leg. Tattoo Machines by "Peg Leg McGee" are owned by some of tattoings finest. "Peg Leg" owners include the likes of Lyle Tuttle, Bowery Stan Moscowitz, Jack Rudy, Shahn Anderson, Sailor Cam Cook, Baba Austin, Gil Montie, Mike Martin, Papa Joe Dawson, Mike Pike, Dan Dittmer, Bert Rodriguez, Painless Pym, Jesse Avery, Brandon Lewis, Telisa Swan, Steve "Alien" Butterfield, Jen Carmean, Sam Matkin, Michael Culley, Byron Wallace, Robert O'Neill, Todd Holley, John Boyd, Felicia Connely, John Black, Dano Collins, Mr. G, Michelle Hall, Lucas Hendrix, Cherokee Chuck, Skye Shaffer, Ben Euse, Paco Rollins, Izzy LaPlante, James Rosini, Wayne Kendrick, Tony Mitchell, Tad Wolf & Jered Yarber to name a few as well as many many others all over the world. "Peg Leg" a.k.a. Jay Brown is actually an amputee on his right leg below the knee, caused by a motorcycle accident 10 years ago, when he was hit by a migrant farm worker and needs to have a new prosthetic made. His old one is 5 years old and doesn't fit poperly. Jay has to pay for his prothetic expenses out of pocket, and prostetics aren't cheap, $7000 to $12000. Jay has been experiencing severe pain due to his leg not fitting right. So this is something he needs ASAP to get back to more"normal"quality of life. Jay is proud and doesn't want hand outs, so he is building tattoo machines to help pay for the new prosthesis. SO help out a fellow tattooer of 25 yrs and get a great tattoo machine out of the deal. All the proceeds from machines for the next month will be put aside to pay for Jay's new leg...which he plans on covering with tattoo designs...All Machines are completely Hand Made by Jay himself, no two are exactly alike. Machines will be $250 + $11 shipping and insurance and will be specially marked for the event, signed & numbered or have an old machine rebuilt for $120 + $11 s & i, have some life breathed into that old machine, or a frame you got lying around, new coils, a-bar, binders, and springs all handmade, frame alteration if needed, restorations a specialty...a great way to help a one legged man in an ass kicking contest and get a great tool as well...Thanks for your Help...