Fight Like A Preemie Fundraiser (temporary tattoos)

Start: May 27, 2017, 2 p.m.

End: May 27, 2017, 9 p.m.

Event at Saylorink Tattoo

Saylorink is raising money for the Marable family and their twin girls who were born via an emergency c section at 26 weeks, 5 days gestation due to mom having a very severe life threatening case of HELP syndrome. Eden weighed 2lb. 2oz, measuring 12 inches long and Ava weighed 1lb 11oz and measured 11 inches long. Both girls have already proven to be fighters. The twins were immediately whisked away to the NICU, where they will spend the next few months under the care of a team of very experienced nurses and doctors. Needless to say, mom and dad will be spending much of their time at the hospital for the duration of the twins stay. This family is special to us at Saylorink because not only are mom and dad frequent customers but also family! See GoFundMe link below for more details.

Our fight like a preemie event is all about kids and for kids! This is Saylorink's first ever KIDS EVENT! Temporary tattoos only, all day! Each tattoo is $5 dollars and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Marable twins to help alleviate medical costs for the family. For every temporary tattoo purchased for you or your child, you will receive a raffle ticket for a $100 gift card! Must be 18 or older to win. Cash only. Additional donations can be made at Saylorink or through the families GO FUND ME page.