Free Tattoo Day!

Start: Oct. 31, 2016, 3:30 p.m.

End: Oct. 31, 2016, 9 p.m.

Event at Electroluxe Tattoo Company

FREE TATTOO DAY - HalloweenThemed & Breast Cancer Ribbons

On Monday October 31, 2016 Electroluxe Tattoo Company will be hosting a Free Tattoo Day with tattoos that are Halloween/Friday the 13th themed and Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbons. There is no admission, the tattoos are 100% FREE, we just ask you to tip the artist who does the work for you.

This is first come, first served event and you get the next available artist in rotation. We will have several flash sheets for you to choose your tattoo from and a few variations of the cancer ribbons.

The event is scheduled from 10:30am to 4pm, we will be handing out 100 tickets and when they are gone they are gone! However we do reserve the right to stop or slow down the influx of people as the day wears on.

Please be pateint, we will do our best to tattoo as many as possible, if the tipping goes well we will go past the 100 tickets. PLEASE TIP YOUR ARTIST... Everyone is donating their time, materials and art to make this happen and we all want it to be a positive event.


Happy Halloween!