Silent auction fundraiser for Colorado wildfire victims

Start: Aug. 5, 2012, 6 p.m.

End: Aug. 6, 2012, midnight

Event at True Blue Tattoo

Come down and help out victims from the various wildfires that are ravaging our beautiful state. We will have gift certificates for Big Hairy Monster Salon, Babeland Salon, Contage Salon, Acupuncture from East West Health Center, Hilldaddy's wildfire restaurant, and many more. We will also have gift certificates for the shop, along with art from ourselves,, and many more available during our silent auction. If anyone else is willing to donate art or gift certificates, please let us know asap. ALL money made during the silent auction will be donated directly to The Salvation Army. We will be tattooing all day during this event, with 50% of the proceeds from the tattoos being donated as well. Thank you!!!