Sisters of the Red Tent Gathering/Painting
Start: Oct. 7, 2017, 11:30 p.m.
End: Oct. 8, 2017, 2:30 a.m.
Event at OZ TATTOO
This will be a unique event, and I'm very excited about it! I'm honored to host a meeting of the 'Sisters of the Red Tent' (see their facebook page!) group, in which we will paint, be merry, and eat delicious food offerings brought by these lovely creatures of the night.
I would love to invite any ladies who are interested in meeting other unique women, who are interested in spiritually boosting one another, growing, and having a sisterhood. Especially if you don't normally connect with other women, I'd say maybe this is a chance to find that. This will be my first meeting as well, so again, excited!! Many are coming from Omaha, and I want to make it worth your while, so I am offering this at $25 each. If you can't afford it, just donate what you can. You are welcome to bring wine or other spirits, but I will throw out that this is a meeting where we'd like to keep our heads on straight- talk- grow- connect. Hence, why I didn't use the term "party". ;)
This is just 2 days off of the full moon, and we will use that in our painting design. I will come up with a harvest season/divine feminine painting that we can all do together, though if you are so inclined, feel free to paint whatever your heart desires.
Here is what Angela Brockman has for the topic of discussion for the evening, which I think fits perfectly, given the shifts of energy we've had in the planets and with the eclipses in August!
*"Focus will be on "a reflection of our healing processes this month. Last month was eclipses; things hidden from us coming to light; a brick wall that we had to hit as a catalyst for change. Energy shifting. This month is expressing that change and working on healing and altering our perceptions of the world and ourselves."
Please message me here or post if you would like to attend. <3 Love and light sisters!