Tattoo Club Dinner Party

Start: March 22, 2014, midnight

Event at Broken Hearts Tattoo Club

Don't miss your chance to celebrate spring with the artists and crew of Broken Hearts Tattoo Club, as well as like minded people who also love tattoos.

Join us on Friday, March 21st, 7pm at Gingerhop (201 E Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55414) for an evening of food, drinks and dancing.
Doors 7pm, Dinner 8pm followed by DJ Magnus and dancing 10pm

A limited number of tickets ($20) are available for a family style dinner (vegetarian option available) and drinks. Your ticket will include dinner and one drink as well as an exclusive raffle ticket for a $150 gift certificate with the artist of your choice. BHTC swag will also be given away throughout the evening.

You're welcome to come mingle even if you don't want to buy a dinner ticket. We will be hanging out and dancing to the tunes provided by a live DJ spinning real vinyl records.

So, mark your calendars and come on down to Broken Hearts Tattoo Club (635 Lowry Ave NE) and grab your ticket today!